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Customer Portal User Guide

Obtain your Consumer Key from Epicor P21

  1. Login to your Epicor P21 instance
  2. Click on API Console
  3. Name the key under "Consumer"
  4. Enter /api, /odata in the field for "Api Scope"
  5. Set the Consumer Type to Web
  6. Set the Token Expire to your preferred setting
  7. Click "Add Consumer"

You will need the Consumer Key and the Epicor Server URL to configure the app.

Configure the app in BigCommerce

  1. Login to your BigCommerce Store
  2. Click on Apps and then the Epicor Prophet 21 (P21) Customer Portal app
  3. Select "Epicor P21" under "Select ERP"
  4. Select Consumer Key as the "Authentication Method"
  5. Enter your Epicor P31 Server URL in the respective field
  6. Enter the generated Consumer Key from the prior steps.
  7. Click Save

Test the App

A "Order Lookup" Page will automatically be generated when you install the app. (You can modify this to your preference but ensure the added code remains.)

  1. Go to your storefront.
  2. Click on Order Lookup from the Menu
  3. You will be able to lookup both Orders & Invoices by typing in the respective customer information as seen below.